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In 2011 an amazing thing occurred.

A young man by the name of Sean Simmons became the Regional Director of Alabama representing the number one Final Expense Company in the world, Lincoln Heritage. Little did he know that this decision would lead him to becoming one of the fastest growing organizations within the Final Expense marketplace in the country. The name itself tells a story. Agent Success Management Group believes in the agents success first. ASM uses various strategies from the use of personal development to making the actual sales training fun. The brand new agent cannot obtain success unless he or she is willing to help families properly secure and protect that insured’s name and reputation, financially, on that final day. Agent Success Management’s sole purpose is to secure individual’s final expense insurance needs in the great states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and more soon to come. We make a living while truly making a difference. The principles by which this organization was founded is no shock to the great success they are having. They believe in leadership and building the community from the heads of household first. Striving to become better men, women, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters makes for a great insurance agent.

Please take the time to journey through our page. Please feel free to send us a note. We would love to hear from you. God Bless you and God Bless America.